"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly"

Friday, September 21, 2012

"Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be." ~ Robert Browning
Property of GG - Do Not Copy
I just received my Golden Passport (free Metro Pass - see post from March 2012) today, in time for jury duty at state criminal court on Monday.  Ever since I retired from my full-time job, I have dreaded driving downtown in the awful traffic.  So, now that I have my pass, I only have to drive to the Metro Station and park my car, thus avoiding the rush hour traffic.  My hometown has the infamous designation of having some of the rudest drivers in the U.S.  I'm all for performing my civic responsibility to appear for jury duty, but the biggest inconvenience is simply getting there!

The good news is that in most states and in federal courts you may be permanently excused from jury duty after you reach the age of 70  (alas, something to look forward to as we age!).  The last time I was summoned for jury duty was for the criminal court in Montgomery County, Maryland.  The attorneys for the prosecution and defense proceeded with voir dire and questioned me at length about my background and beliefs.  I made it to the last round, but the defense ultimately decided they didn't need a female, middle-aged WASP on a jury in which the defendant, a 19 year old Latino male, was accused of murder.  I'm hoping that a similar determination will be made of me on Monday!  I will keep you informed on the performance of my civic responsibility .... ♥

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Property of GG - Do Not Copy

My morning started off well yesterday when I read in the newspaper that "Cocoa may have cognitive benefits."  http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/09/04/2983409/cocoa-may-have-cognitive-benefits.html.  I know that eating a small piece of dark chocolate each day is good for our hearts and that it is full of antioxidants, thus helping rid our bodies of free radicals.  And now research published in the American Heart Association journal, "Hypertension," reports that older subjects given a daily drink with intermediate to high amounts of cocoa had higher overall cognitive scores, lower insulin resistance, and lower blood pressure and oxidative stress than those given smaller amounts.

Dark chocolate can also reduce the risk of stroke in men and women.  It is a rich source of flavenoids, the same plant-based polyphenols found in fruits, vegetables, red wine, and legumes, and can thus reduce inflammation throughout the body.  Additionally, it can reduce the aggregation of platelets causing blood clots which cut off blood supply to the brain or the heart.

Everything in moderation, however, because chocolate is also high in fat and calories.  But, with fall approaching, it is soothing to know that we can curl up at night with a good book and a healthy cup of hot cocoa and not feel guilty (low sugar, of course)! ♥